
SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques

Search Engine Optimization is the quintessential method to expand a brand value by upgrading the web site’s rank in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). When an end-user enters input in the search engine to get desired data, a ranking of a website in SERP determines the position of that website in the never-ending list of thousands of search results. SEO plays a key role in providing relevant content to the end-users by meticulously scrutinizing the keywords given as an input.

The techniques used to optimize search results are termed as SEO Techniques which can be broadly classified into two categories: White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO.

White hat SEO can be basically related to white-collar jobs. They operate by fair means and maintain SEO ethics. SEO has laid out a scroll of rules and regulations, which should be followed to upgrade a company’s ranking in SERP. White hat SEO follows those guidelines faithfully and focuses on providing pertinent information to the end-users. They focus on long tenure results when it comes to the ranking grill. White hat SEO are completely legal and do not possess any risks regarding penalties and banning of the websites. This technique is preferred by SEO Expert in Delhi

Black hat SEO is not approved by the search engines and just like the black collar jobs, these use unfair means to gain rank on the boards of SERP and display wrong or unrelated content to the users. If caught by the search engines, these are charged with high penalties and the search engines may even ban their websites. Black hat SEO use twisted manoeuvres to trick the SEO. They only concentrate on uplifting their website’s rank on the SERP charts and do not care if the end-user is getting the content he/she desires. This type of SEO uses a ‘cloaking’ strategy which uses hidden texts or hidden pages to manipulate the search engines into thinking that the company’s website is actually having those contents.

There is a third category of SEO Techniques as well, which is called Grey hat SEO. Grey, as the colour suggests, is the mixture of black and white. So Grey hat SEO only emphasizes on the fact of improving the website’s rank and so it does not encounters the penalty crisis faced by the Black hat SEO.

The sub-disciplines of these broad techniques include editing keywords and phrases, optimizing voice search, going into the depths of the content, etcetera. But there is no such rule that only researching like maniacs to find the precise keywords and editing HTML coding for the website would land you on the top ranking in terms of visibility. In fact, with the zooming speed of technical growth, it’s a well-known fact that as soon as the techniques catch the crowded air of the digital market, they turn cliché in the nick of time. The SEO Techniques are always built by keeping the end user’s needs in mind. The market is changing rapidly and so should the invention of productive techniques, to procure maximised results.